Because I believe you are the expert of your own experience I rarely give advice, but if I did, it would be this:
Create S P A C E.
Carl Jung says people will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls.
Not enough space in your life is a subtle form of avoidance, and when we feel stuck, it can often trace back to that… We overbook and overschedule. We log into social media seeking something--but rarely find it.
A lot of what we seek is found looking inward. The Artist's Way says, “In order to have self-expression we must first have a Self to express.” -- Get to know your Self. Get to know your soul voice and learn to trust her.
Your coaching calls allow this space--but the truth is, it’s not enough. It’s up to you to get to know you. And to meet yourself over and over.
I like to meet myself through:
-salt baths
-social media detoxes
“White space is where the magic happens.” (Brian Gardner)-- but the space you avoid might ask something from you…
Thought prompts:
What are my favorite ways to find space?
How can I add more space into my day?